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The Independent Observer > Business > Government will endeavor to be accountable to its citizens -President Lungu

Government will endeavor to be accountable to its citizens -President Lungu

Republican President Edgar Lungu says his administration will endeavor to be accountable to its citizens, the public and private sector.

Mr Lungu says by ensuring that his administration is anchored on transparency and accountability, the nation as a whole deserves to know what it is doing in terms of procurement and expenditures on equipment and machinery.

The Head of State said this in Lusaka when he inspected the U$D12 million Outside Broadcasting Vans for Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, ZNBC.

The new state-of-art OB vans were purchased in line with the digital migration process to which Zambia has already switched and migrated analogue to digital transmission so as to come up with quality broadcasting programmes on television and radio.

This was shortly before he officially opened the 92 second agriculture and commercial show being held at the Lusaka Show Grounds.

“Government will endeavor to be transparent and accountable to its people where spending of public resources is concerned,” President
Lungu said.

And Mr. Lungu says a well-informed nation is cardinal to accelerating national development adding that for this reason the Zambian people must be exposed to all diverse media channels, print and electronic.

“We want our people to be watching TV, listen to the radio as well as read newspapers so that they are kept abreast of where public resources are going,” he said.

And President Lungu has commended ZNBC Management form its effort in providing the Zambian people with improved and quality content programming.

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