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Government aiming at reducing developmental inequalities

…..China Jiangx promises world class works to boost economy

Government has identified that reducing developmental inequalities is one of the pillars to achieving the goal of the Seventh Nation Development Plan (7NDP).
Minister of National Development Planning, Alexander Chiteme said reducing developmental inequalities, is one of the strategies and promotion to achieve the goal of the 7NDP integrated rural development.
Mr Chitema was speaking at the Central Province Investment Forum and Expo 2018 where he said his Ministry had formulated the integrated rural development strategy (IRDS).
He said interventions would be implemented to transform rural areas into investment and growth centres.
Mr Chitema said Government’s focus would therefore be to provide a conducive environment to foster private sector participation in rural development.
“This will be through; provision of diverse infrastructure, promotion of investment for value addition, promotion of regional markets, small-scale mining development, and promotion of socio-economic growth centres and rural livelihoods diversification through tourism,” he said.
He said the investment expo whose theme is ‘Accelerating Investment for inclusive and sustainable development’ is timely as it has come during the period of implementation of the seventh national development plan (7NDP).
The Minister said his interpretation of the theme is that it is well aligned to the Seventh National Development Plan which is premised on the principles of sustainable development and has fully integrated about 86 per cent of the sustainable development goals’ targets.
Mr Chitema said Government is implementing the wealth accounting and valuation of ecosystem services (WAVES) programme which aims to ensure the mainstreaming of natural resources in development planning and national economic accounts.
He said Central Province, like all other provinces, is key to the development of this country it has great potential in a number of economic sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, mining and tourism.
“The 7NDP identifies textile industry development as one of the quick win projects to accelerate wealth and job creation in the country. With the actualisation of this quick win project, Central Province is poised to benefit as it hosts Mulungushi textiles, the largest textile plant in the Country. The Government envisages that the revival of Mulungushi textiles will provide ready market for cotton growers not only in this province but also the rest of the country.
“This investment expo will provide an opportunity for local and foreign investors to acquaint themselves with the investment potential in the province. Further, the expo will help mobilize financial resources for investment in strategic economic sectors,” he said.
The Minister has called on both local and foreign investors to invest in various sectors in Central Province as it has great potential for development.
And China Jiangxi Corporation Company Representative Long Anliang, said his company had been working with the Government and the Zambian people to push the agenda of infrastructure development in various parts of the country.
Mr Anliang said the Company is proud to be associated with such a progressive agenda that has brought about social and economic development to this country.
“As you are all aware, we are the main contractor for the construction of the Lusaka-Ndola Dual Carriageway. We want to assure the nation through you the Vice-President that works of high quality standard will be done and a world class standard road will be delivered to your hard-working government and Zambians people,” he said.
He said his corporation will construct a school and a hospital that will be handed over to the Government of the Republic of Zambia and also establish an Industrial Park within Central Province.
Mr Anliang said such kind of economic development will bring about the much-needed economic prosperity for this province and the country.
“It is against the background of greater cooperation and support for progressive economic initiatives that we today hand-over a cheque worth K200, 000 to support this important event.

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