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Generate money for the Treasury-Kakubo

By Staff Writer
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Stanley Kakubo has challenged Missions to generate funds for the Treasury.

Mr Kakubo has described the just ended Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers’ Meeting as successful.

Addressing Zambia High Commission staff at the Chancery on Tuesday, Mr Kakubo said the London Mission, the United Kingdom was a world leading market and financial Centre.

“Those of you that have an idea of how financial markets work, the LME (London Metal Exchange) is largely controlled here in London. So there’s a lot of business to here. I think the last time I came here, we signed the one billion pound Compact Fund with the then Minister Vicky Ford, she was in charge of Africa,” he said.

He challenged the Mission to produce two reports on generation of money for the Treasury and how to mitigate some challenges being facing.

Mr Kakubo emphasized that the thrust of the country’s Foreign Policy was Economic Diplomacy.

And Acting High Commissioner Lubu Nxumalo thanked the Minister for visiting the chancery and counseling the staff.

Mr Kakubo said the Commonwealth Ministers also discussed issues of innovation to ensure that away from disasters, more trade among Member States was fostered.

He said the status of trade among Commonwealth countries was uneven and therefore needed more innovation to ensure that there was bigger participation.

Mr Kakubo said that over 50 members of the Commonwealth had influence to push the global community to make good of the commitments that were made at COP 27.

This is contained in a statement issued by Speedwell Mupuchi First Secretary Press Zambia High Commission.