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The Independent Observer > OS > Francis Temba was right-ZCCM Section Engineer
Konkola Copper Mines

Francis Temba was right-ZCCM Section Engineer

Dear Editor,

Allow me to comment on Francis Temba’s observations on Jack Kalala’s statement over the sale of Konkola Copper Mines  (KCM).

I’m a former ZCCM Employee and I was responsible for mineral movement for the entire congramerate working as a Section Engineer.

Mr Temba is absolutely right. We should change our mindset in this country.

We’ve have seen that the sell of KCM was a mistake, but why are we running back to the same problem.

What we need is funding for the operation of the mine and not selling. We have enough technocrats with enough knowledge and experience to run the mine.

Why are we in a hurry to give away the goose that is giving us the golden eggs for the country?

I think it is a big mistake. We need to wake up as Zambians, wakeup for our children’s children.

I spoken on radio and local newspapers but it appears our advice is landing on deaf ears.

We are talking as former miners with the knowledge of mining operations.

Edward Simukonda

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