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France commits to work with Zambia on climate change

By Staff Writer
France has committed to working with Zambia to address the effects of climate change and to sustainably manage the environment. 

This came to light when Minister of Green Economy and Environment Collins Nzovu held bilateral talks with his French counterpart, Minister of State of Ecology Bérangère Couillard in Paris.

Ms Couillard said France is very committed to fighting the adverse effects of climate change through various interventions such as proper management of water, forests, waste and sustainable farming.

She said her government has committed resources for climate finance to support developing and vulnerable countries in need.

Ms Couillard further emphasized the need for France and Zambia to collaborate in combatting micro-plastic pollution.

“Micro-plastic pollution is a real scourge and a real problem, lets us work together Minister in combatting micro-plastic pollution,” she said.

The Minister invited Zambia to join the Coalition to Fight Plastic Pollution, a platform where plastic pollution issues are discussed more in detail.

Ms Couilard also emphasized forest protection as being key in addressing the climate change.

She has invited Zambia to attend a One Forest Summit which France is organising with Gabon in Libreville March 2023 where specific topics surrounding forest protection and management will be discussed.

And Mr Nzovu shared various initiatives Zambia has embarked on to fight climate change and expressed interest to tap into the French climate finance resources to further enhance the country’s efforts in fighting climate change.

He said Zambia was addressing the high levels of deforestation in the country and called for quick implementation of the Declaration of Intent on the preservation and sustainable management of forests that was signed between France and Zambia in October, 2022.

Mr Nzovu also called upon the French government to support implementation of the memorandum of understanding that was signed with Zambia and the European Union (EU) in sustainable management of the forestry sector.

“Minister, let me inform you that Zambia and EU signed an MoU at the just ended COP 27 in Sharm El- Sheikh, aimed at partnering in the sustainable management of the forestry sector, we would like the French government to be actively involved in actualizing this MoU”, he said.

Mr Nzovu further informed his counterpart that Zambia is implementing measures to combat high levels of deforestation by promoting climate smart agricultural practices, renewable energy, and agroforestry and value addition to its timber.

This is contained in a statement issued by Naomi Ng’andu Mweemba First Secretary Press Zambia Embassy Paris.