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The Independent Observer > Headlines > FRA sets K115 for 50 kg bag of maize

FRA sets K115 for 50 kg bag of maize

By Staff Writer
The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has set its buying maize floor price for this year’s crop marketing season at K115 per 50kg.

This is a K45 increase on last year’s offer of K70.

FRA Board Chairman Joe Simachela says FRA will purchase 50kg bag of Soya beans at K150, while Paddy rice has been priced at K70 per 40kg bag.

Mr Simachela says the Zambian government has released K74. 4 million towards the immediate purchase of maize.

Meanwhile, FRA says the country is food secure and has a carryover stocks of gross physical  stocks  of 244,506.44 metric tonnes  of non-Genetically Modified Organism of white maize, 240 metric tonnes of soya beans and 19.64 metric tonnes of Paddy rice.

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