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FRA disburses K666m to farmers

The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has disbursed to banks over K666m balance owed to farmers who supplied maize to the agency in the last farming season.

FRA Executive Director Chola Kafwabulula also urged farmers not to panic because the money which was released by Government on Monday is ready for collection.

Mr Kafwabulula said that the Agency in collaboration with existing banks has come up with initiatives of mobile banking to facilitate payments in districts where there are no banking services.

He said mobile banking facilities are being provided on a daily basis in Chadiza, Vubwi and Sinda districts as farmers will not have to travel long distances to get their payments.

Mr Kafwabulula said the FRA purchased over 947,000 metric tonnes of maize in the last crop marketing season.

Mr Kafwabulula said the highest quantity of the maize purchased was from Northern Province at over 185,000 metric tons, followed by Eastern province with over 168,000 metric tons.