‘First Quantum Minerals (FQM) will build a modern market at Kasumbalesa border,’ Mines Minister Richard Musukwa has said.
Speaking with The Independent Observer, Mr Musukwa said the Kasumbalesa border is considered as a mine in terms of income generation for the people of Chililabombwe and Zambia at large.
He said President Edgar Lungu during his recent visit to North Western province had lobbied for the construction of modern market at Kasumbalesa border.
Mr Musukwa who is Chililabombwe Member of Parliament said Kasumbalesa would soon be opened as a trade centre, thereby giving direct and indirect jobs to Chililabombwe residents.
“The onus will now be up to the people of Chililabombwe to farm enough produce to sell at the border. At Kasumbalesa everything goes as long as it is edible. Chickens, maize, goats, eggs, tomatoes, green pepper among others have a ready market at the border.

“The construction of the modern market means Government is creating an enabling environment for the people of Zambia to find something to do that will improve their living standards. We will not give you money in the hand but we do everything possible to make you seize the opportunity and make your own money,” he said.
The Law Marker could not quantify the project because it was a lobbied for project by the Head of State.
But he assured residents that it will soon be done.