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Former PF Chingola Youth Chair resigns from PF

By Staff Writer

PF former Chingola district youth Chairman and a losing Councillor for Kasala Ward Martin simwaba has resigned from the party.

The former Chingola youth strong man said he has decided to leave the party after consultations from family and friends as he wants to further his political career away from PF.

He said he’s not retiring from active politics and he will soon announce his next move.

“I’m resigning from the party as a member as I want to take a new step in my political career. As a young person who cares for the future of this country I want to see my country get back on its feet. I will be announcing my next step very soon. I wish my former party well as they are rebranding.

“If my decision will hurt anyone in the party I wish to extend an hand of apology and if at all in my line of duty as district Chairperson had wronged anyone I wish to apologize,” he said.