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The Independent Observer > Business > Former Minister & Mumbwa Central MP Brian Chituwo convicted

Former Minister & Mumbwa Central MP Brian Chituwo convicted

The Mumbwa Magistrate Court has convicted former Mumbwa Central Member of Parliament Dr. Brian Chituwo for failure to declare interest in a matter involving the disbursement of K70,000 Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

Mumbwa Resident Magistrate Honurable Sithole has convicted and sentenced Dr Chituwo to one year imprisonment with hard labour suspended for two years.

Honurable Sithole has also ordered that Dr. Chituwo should pay back the K70,000 given to Blue Sky FM Limited or the equipment bought for the radio station be forfeited to the State, failure to which he will serve a jail sentence of one Month.

This is in a matter in which the Anti-Corruption Commission arrested Chituwo on one count of conflict of interest contrary to Section 28(2) as read with Section 41 of the Anti- Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012.

In this matter it was alleged that on dates unknown but between 1st January, 2012 and 31st December, 2014 in Mumbwa District of Central Province, Dr Chituwo attended a Council meeting, and participated in the proceedings to fund Blue Sky FM Limited, a private company in which he was director and shareholder without declaring interest in writing.

This is according to a statement made available by Drug Enforcement Commission public relations manager Timothy Moono.

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