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Former Education PS nabbed for corruption

Former Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Education Patrick Nkanza has been arrested by the Anti-Corruption Commission for corrupt practices involving over K200,000,000.

Dr Nkanza 71, of Lusaka has been arrested and charged with one count of willful failure to comply with applicable law and procedure contrary to Section 34 (2) (b) of the Anti Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012.

ACC Chief Corporate Affairs’ Officer Timothy Moono said Investigations have established that in 2015, Dr Nkanza, being Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, Science and Early Education, did willfully fail to comply with the applicable law or procedure relating to procurement in entering into a contract with China Energy Engineering Group–Hunan Electric Power Design Institute Co. Ltd, 15 MCC Africa Construction and Ndilila Associates in Consortium without
confirming the availability of funds.

Mr Moono said and in August 2017, the Ministry of Higher Education entered into another contract with China Energy Engineering Group-Hunan Electric Power Design Institute Co. Ltd for the design
and build of FTJ Chiluba University at a contract sum of US$ 225 million.

He said Dr Patrick Nkanza has since been released on bond and will appear before Court on 18th
May 2022.