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Focus more on stories that impact lives-Copperbelt Scribes told

United States (US) Embassy Training Consultant Bill Hinchberger has told Copperbelt based Journalists to uphold higher standards of reporting, especially on stories that impact on the lives of people.

Mr Hinchberger said Journalists should defend the liberty of expression including those that they don’t agree with as long as it will impact many lives.

He said Journalists give a voice to the voiceless, hence even in circumstances where prominent people are involved in the story it should be reported to the benefit of the majority.

Mr Hinchberger was speaking to Journalists on the Copperbelt during a two days Investigative Journalism training workshop held in Ndola organized by the United State (US) Embassy.

He also told Journalists to avoid taking money from sources, as it affect the way stories are reported.

“You not doing Journalism if you take money from sources as a Journalist. You are supposed to report the story as it is even when you have received the money the source should know that the story will come out the way it is,” he said.

Mr Hinchberger said Journalists shouldn’t have biasness to choose assignments that they should cover.

He encouraged Journalists to take up more investigative stories to sharpen up their Journalism skills.

Mr Hinchberger urged Journalists to plan and prepare in all activities especially when doing an investigative story.

He said Journalists should also research on particular subject before they embark on it so to have a background.

“A Journalist is always on the hunt for stories that would impact the community to provide answers and balanced reactions of alarming issues,” he said.

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