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The Independent Observer > Headlines > FATHER FRACTURES DAUGHTER’S LEG OVER NSHIMA


By Staff Writer
A- 5-year-old girl of Kambilombilo Township in Luanshya district is nursing a fractured leg after she was kicked by her father for failing to serve him Nshima.

The incident happened when the juvenile’s father, identified as Shadrick Chipokola, 36, who had returned from a drinking spree demanded for Nshima from the child.

When the juvenile informed her father that there was no Nshima available, in a fit of anger, Chipokola then kicked his 5-year-old daughter, causing her to sustain a fractured leg.

The mother of the victim, Maureen Zulu, aged 35, who works as a maid explained that the incident happened while she had gone to work, leaving the victim and her brother at home with their father.

Ms. Zulu further indicated that her husband however, decided to go on a drinking spree, leaving the two children unattended to and on his return found the juvenile alone.

It was then that he demanded for Nshima and upon being informed that there was nothing he kicked his daughter who fell on the ground.

The juvenile’s mother said when she returned home, the girl complained of severe pain in her left leg but did not disclose that her father had been the cause of her injury.

The child was later taken to Thompson hospital, and she was referred to Roan General Hospital where doctors applied a plaster of Paris cast on the child.

Ms Zulu said it was then that the child disclosed that her father had kicked her, prompting the mother to report the case to the police.

She said the victim’s condition remains stable and that the suspect was arrested and is detained at Buntungwa Police post.