…KCM regret the fatality
There is a fatal mine accident at the Konkola Deep Mining Project (KDMP) Underground mine in Chililabombwe in which one miner has died after blasting.
KCM miner blasts self to death
The miner working for one of the Chinese contractors died after blasting mine exercise at 875 South North of the mine at 2900 metres level.
Both Konkola Copper Mines and Zambia Police have confirmed the fatality to The Independent Observer.
Coperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga said the fatality happened around 06:10 hours this morning at Shaft Number Four in Chililabombwe.
She said Benson Solochi 50, a Locomotive Driver of B208 Mine Township died after he sufferd from fatal blasting injuries.
Ms Katanga said Mr Solochi an employee of Rockcrete company, a Sub contractor of MMS hired by Konkola Copper Mines suffered a raptured sculp, excessive nosal bleeding, fractured legs among others.
And KCM Corporate Affairs General Manager Eugene Chungu told The Independent Observer that the accident was regrettable.

“It is with great sadness that Vedanta Africa Base Metals confirms that an accident at Vedanta’s Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), Zambia, on Thursday 26 July has claimed the life of a KCM Business Partner employee. No one else was injured in the incident that occurred at Konkola Mine, Shaft 4 in Chililabombwe.
“All of us at KCM and Vedanta are devastated by the news, and commit to assisting the family of the deceased during and after this difficult period,” Mr Chungu said.
He said all work at Konkola Underground Mine Shaft 4 had been halted to pave way for investigations.
This is happening bearly a month when another scraper driver had blasted himself at Nchanga Underground mine.
KCM new Chief Executive Officer Deshnee Naidoo had earlier this month launched the Safety Stand Down campaign in the local mining sector in a bid to raise safety standards and curb mine accidents and fatalities in the company.
Konkola Underground mine is owned by Konkola Copper Mines (KCM).