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The Independent Observer > Business > Farmers urged to form marketing associations

Farmers urged to form marketing associations

By Staff Writer
The Zambia Alliance of Women has advised smallholder farmers to come together and form associations in their respective areas to help find conducive market for their produce.

ZAW Board Treasurer Voilet Malama explains that lack of togetherness among farmers has resulted in most of them selling their produce at giveaway prices due to lack of negotiation skills and or representation.

Ms Malama said ZAW is also of the view that associations can help farmers have opportunities to supply their produce to super markets that usually demand for consistency in supply of products.

She said that the coming together of farmers would also encourage them to grow a variety of crops unlike the present situation where some grow one type of crop such as cabbage and then complain of poor market.

Ms Malama further said there is need for farmers to grow crops in cognizance of existing markets so that they do not struggle to sale their produce and thus the formation of associations can help assess such issues.

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