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The Independent Observer > OS > Even the chosen ones need the support of others to succeed

Even the chosen ones need the support of others to succeed

By Rev Clifford Chisha
Apart from the divine arrangement, one of the things that led to David’s ascending to the throne and becoming one of Israel’s greatest kings was having a very supportive team around him-the mighty men of David.

This great king, even after reigning for forty years (seven years in Hebron and thirty three years in Jerusalem) seems not to have forgotten one of the things that led to his victories-the support of others.

When it was evident that the curtain was about to be closed for him and that God had chosen his son Solomon to become his successor, he prepared his son and the people his son was going to lead very well.

Then King David said to the whole assembly: “My son Solomon, the one whom God has chosen, is young and inexperienced. The task is great, because this palatial structure is not for man but for the LORD God.”

David used wisdom in employing the people to support his son Solomon who was succeeding him.
He diplomatically solicited for this by first stressing that Solomon was chosen by God for the work at hand.

He went on to help them understand that though he was the chosen one, he needed their help because he was young and inexperienced.

No leader can score great success without the support of the people he leads or he intends to lead.

Even a leader chosen by God needs the support of others.

King David wanted Israel to realise that the work Solomon was to carry out was great work.

Building the temple for the LORD and leading Israel was a great task.
This needed both divine help and human support.

I want to suggest that in his tone, David expressed humility and wisdom.

He was very sure that God had chosen his son Solomon to succeed him but he did not take things for granted.

He knew how God operated.
Solomon needed the support of others to succeed.

No matter what the leader possesses, the support of others is very cardinal.