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The Independent Observer > News > Ethiopian investor to build new specialist regional hospital in zambia

Ethiopian investor to build new specialist regional hospital in zambia

Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Emmanuel Mwamba says the introduction of Universal Health care in Zambia has become the bedrock of new private investment in the health sector.

Speaking when he met an Ethiopian investor, Mr Dessalegn Berhe who in partnership with two American investors,  has embarked on investment in Zambia’s health sector , in particular the construction of a specialised hospital.

Mr Mwamba said the Unviversal Health Coverage scheme was a clear testimony by Governments to ensure that Zambians had access to quality health care services.

He said Government had priotised access to health care services and this could be seen through the massive investment in public health care infrastructure.

Mr Mwamba said Government welcomed investment in the health sector and invited Mr Berhe to join the Zambia-Ethiopia Business Forum which is being established to push for partnerships and investment between the two countries.

He said the Business Forum would be private-sector driven and would create a platform for both countries to share trade and investment opportunities existing in both countries.

Mr Mwamba said there were several benefits of investing in Zambia as it was a land linked ,  surrounded by eight countries with a wide market access to SADC and COMESA.

And Mr Berhe said the team had chosen Zambia because it was one of the most attractive investment destination in Africa because of the peace and tranquillity that existed in the country.

He said they would invest in a specialised hospital that would attend to complicated medical conditions that are often referred abroad.

He said such a specialized hospital would benefit the sub-region and create health tourism in Zambia.

This is contained in a statement by Inutu Mupango Mwanza First Secretary-Press &Tourism Zambia Embassy, Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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