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Esther Lungu’s case settled-Makebi Zulu

Staff Writer
Former First Lady Esther Lungu’s Lawyer Makebi Zulu says that the matter for the former first lady has been settled with the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC)

Mrs Lungu was at the DEC premises appearing for questioning over 15 flats that she owns and are suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Mr Zulu said that the matter was settled and nothing more is expected to come up unless if they was a witch hunt

He said Mrs Lungu had acquired the land through an offer and that she started developing it in 2015.

“We are happy and consider this matter settled, unless there is a witch hunt going on. We do not expect anything to come up. So if anything comes ups, we will know that it is a witch hunt,” he said.

“It is not strange that a person of her stature can own such. So as earlier started, she acquired the property a genuine as anyone could and so this matter has been settled,” he said.