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Energy expert commends Govt follow up on Angola fuel offer

Energy Expert and Chairperson for Energy Forum Zambia Johnstone Chikwanda has commended Government for making follow up with Angola offer on fuel procurement.

Mr Chikwanda has also advised Government to appoint a technical implementation task force to actualize the bilateral agreement which Government went to follow up in Angola.

He said the Implementation task force must include private sector and Government representatives of both Angola and Zambia and also those not just industry knowledge but also practical oil industry business experience.

“There are issues which have made past efforts fall in cracks. It is important that they are dealt with once and for all. There is no other option which can guarantee cheap fuel other than direct procurement based on energy diplomacy with a producing country,” he said.

Mr Chikwanda said the issue of negotiating a fuel procurement transaction directly with a leading oil producing country has been pending for over 20 years as successful administrations have not been able to conclude.

He said the New Dawn Government has a good opportunity to conclude and actualize bulk fuel procurement from Angola.