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Embrace new technology in farming

Corteva Agri-science Managing Director Samson Nyendwa has encouraged farmers to embrace new farming technologies in order to archive maximum benefits in farming as a business.

Mr Nyendwa says farming is a serious business and the key to producing profitably is to embrace new technology, which includes choosing the right seed.

Mr Nyendwa explained that farmers need to know the good seed and choose the best varieties for their areas of adaptation.

“I am happy to see that the products from Corteva Agri-science are doing very well in helping farmers to produce increased yields,” he said.

Mr Nyendwa was speaking when he visited up-coming farmer Misheck Munyamani in Shibuyunji District to commemorate the 2021 Farmers Day.

And Mr Munyamani urged farmers to choose certified seed varieties from genuine seed suppliers if they are to increase crop production.

“I’m expecting about 5,000 by 50kg bags of maize from his yield this year due to the use of good varieties he accessed from Pannar Seed company, a subsidiary of Corteva Agri-science, I want to implore the seed companies to continue providing new technologies to farmers for the farming industry to grow,” he said.

This was according to NAIS.