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Electoral violence in Kaumbwe constituency worries ECZ

The Electoral Commission of Zambia says the Commission is concerned with the electoral violence in Kaumbwe Constituency of Petauke ahead of the October, 21, 2021.

ECZ Corporate Affairs Manager Patricia Luhanga however said that the campaign atmosphere has been peaceful since the commencement of the campaigns throughout the seven districts where elections are being held.

Ms Luhanga said that it is regrettable and worrying to start recording violence with just few days before poll day.

“The Commission has also noted that in the three instances where the Socialist Party, Democratic Party and Patriotic Front supporters have been attacked and campaign schedules disrupted in Kaumbwe Constituency, the perpetrators have mainly been suspected United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres, the Commission would like to remind the UPND and all political parties participating in the elections that the Electoral Code of Conduct applies to this period of campaigns and must be adhered to without exception,” she said.

She said the Commission is aware that all the cases of violence have been reported to the Zambia Police Service and therefore calls on the Police to expeditiously arrest and present for prosecution all those that will be found in breach of the law.

The Commission has since called upon the police to perform their duties in an impartial and professional manner.

Ms Luhanga has reminded all political players that violence undermines the credibility of an election and calls on the leadership to prevail over their supporters.

The Commission also encourages all political players to be tolerant and promote co-existence as these are some of the key ingredients of a maturing democracy and the conduct of peaceful elections.