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Election loss was devastating-Lubinda

Former ruling Party Patriotic Front says losing the August, 12, polls was devastating and unexpected.

PF National Chairperson for Information and Publicity Given Lubinda said the central committee is convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that the defeat at the hands of the UPND was the will of God.

Mr Lubinda said that this will enable them conduct a post-mortem to see how they move forward after losing its hold on power.

“The post-mortem process, which is expected to take a month, will have wider consultations involving all structures of the party and  PF members should have pride in themselves for the development the party achieved in the last 10 years as we  keep track of how the UPND will fare as they take charge of the country,’ he said.

Mr Lubinda added that the PF takes lessons from the overthrowing of the UNIP and MMD governments.

Mr Lubinda said that the party will regroup, remodel, rebrand, and come back stronger within the next five years.

He said that they will not take the same route taken by these two previous governments but introspect on the best strategies to come back stronger.

Mr Lubinda was accompanied by former Works and Supply Minister Sylvia Chalikosa and member of the central committee Catherine  Chileshe.