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Eight PF MPs apply for leave at the High Court

Eight Patriotic Front Members of Parliament have applied for leave in the Lusaka High Court, seeking judicial review against Speaker Nelly Mutti’s decision to chase them from Parliament.

The MP’s that sought judicial review are Bowman Lusambo who is MP for the nullified Kabushi seat, Nakonde’s Lukas Simumba, Chinsali MP Kalalwe Mukosa, Mutotwe Kafwaya Lunte MP, Lubansenshi MP Taulo Chewe, Mkushi North MP Christopher Chibuye, Kwacha MP Joseph Malanji and Chimwemwe MP Allen Banda.

On Tuesday, Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti in a ruling ordered Mr Lusambo and other MPs whose seats were nullified not to be attending Parliament business until their appeals were heard and determined by the Constitutional Court.

Ms Mutti said Lusambo and others could not continue taking part in the business of the House nor enjoy parliamentary privileges.

This is according to ex-parte summons for leave to commence judicial review proceedings in the court.

The applicant’s application is anchored on the Provision of Order 53 Rule 3 of the Rules of the Supreme Court.

Sibongile Mwamba whose Kasama parliamentary seat was also nullified is not among the MPs who have applied for judicial review.

Judge in-charge Gertrude Chawatama and judges Mwila Kombe as well as  Susan Wanjelani have set Friday for hearing the judicial review application.