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The Independent Observer > NEWS > Editorial: Why has Benard Mwila dumped NDC?

Editorial: Why has Benard Mwila dumped NDC?

The answer is very straight forward to those that share WhatsApp group with Mr Mwila especially The Independent Observer platforms.

Mr Mwila is very close friend of former NDC Copperbelt Chairperson Chipoka Mulenga.

And when NDC leader Chishimba Kambwili decided to elevate the newly elected defectee George Sichula as NDC Copperbelt Chairperson the cracks have become visible.

Mr Mulenga had contested the Chingola Constituency seat on NAREP ticket while Mr Sichula had applied on PF ticket but wasn’t adopted

In short both Mr Sichula and Mr Mulenga are fighting for one woman and each of them would gladly use the portfolio to whip the other to date Chingola Constituency.

The worst party of it is that Kambwili has embraced NDC National Youth Chairperson Charles Kabwita to the core such that he is said to be only getting advise from him and lately we hear they stay at the same house.

According to information from the party, Kabwita is alleged frustrating both Chipoka Mulenga and Bernard Mwila and this gave a loop hole to the political ‘Hummer’ Nathan Chanda who is PF Copperbelt Chairperson.

Though things have happened very fast, Mr Mwila had indicated that he was tired of being involved into make shift kind of politics being practiced in NDC.

But the political party that Mr Mwila had chosen became very clear on May 14, 2020 which is his birthday.

Always, Nathan Chanda and Mwila had been sworn enemies more especially that Mwila was fighting the battles for Charles Kabwita who is alleged to have personal hatred for Nathan Chanda.

Initially Mwila had become a very good recruit of hate used by Charles Kabwita to direct their hatred at Nathan Chanda but slowly Mwila peddled down and not to be used as a political porn. Not to be easily pushed further for political gain.

And on May 14, 2020 Nathan Chanda descended from his lofty position to give Mr Mwila a rosy birthday wish as seen below.

Nathan Chanda: Happy birthday to one of the upcoming and most promising young politicians in the Copperbelt Province.

Wishing you many more happy returns and God’s blessings as you represent the future generations of youth ful of integrity.

???? if it was not for Covid-19 we would have come for a party.

Read the birthday wish in full.

To scribes with insight, the wish had the writings on the wall that Mr Mwila was on verge of dumping Kambwili.

Though not known on national political front, Mr Mwila is that politician everyone wants to associate with.

He is nicely mentored boy by Elias Chipimo Jr who made him his National youth Chairperson.

When Chipimo decided to quit politics, Mr Mwila moved on and joined NDC where he was immediately made Copperbelt Youth Chairperson.

If NDC would want to down play this defection, it is at their own peril because he is never a push over boy but full of political stamina.

The pictures you see below are of four years ago when Chipoka Mulenga was filing in as Chingola Constituency parliamentary candidate.

It was Mr Mwila and Mulenga who managed to organise such a large crowd.

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