The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is an inter-governmental organization whose benefit to individual member state remains unknown.
Despite being formed on social-economic cooperation and integration as well as political and security cooperation among 16 southern African states, the organisation cannot directly point at its achievements.
The clear case in point is how SADC has failed to handle the acts of violence on SADC truck drivers in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Among the 16 states, DRC is the only state which is a big consumer rather than being a producer of most of the products such as oil, acid, food and drinks.
The only product coming from DRC is copper concentrates for the mines and some Chinese smelter.
Sadly, SADC drivers are harassed, roughed up, beaten and sometimes killed while delivering food and other products for the same Congolese people to survive.
Why has SADC failed to come with a dry port in Zambia or a drop point in Zambia where all drivers can be dropping their products without entering DRC and the Congolese themselves ferry them into their country?

One border post at this point is not a solution as there is need of completely barring truckers from entering DRC as the long term solution to the problems in the hunger and violent stricken member state.
For the past one week, truck drivers have refused to enter the DRC citing insecurity on drivers who are at times killed and beaten in DRC in broad daylight by state security personnel.
The marooned trucks have now even spilled into Chingola.
And in retaliation the Zambia Custom Authority are equally not clearing any truck from the DRC.
Though some food stuffs may go bad in transit but the best way to handle the corrupt minded state is for the other states to protest with the drivers and ensure no edibles, fuel, oil and acid are transported into Congo.