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The Independent Observer > Letters > ECZ should redeem Zambia

ECZ should redeem Zambia

I write to appeal to the electoral commission of Zambia to prove to us that they are a credible Zambian institute not a ruling political party institution.
As a nation, we have always complained about it’s election policing lapses that occur whenever we have elections.
This however, seem to have fallen on deaf ears.
Why should ECZ fail to disqualify PF for advancing a negative campaign playing field.
There is no way PF police should block HH from  campaigning in an area far away from where ECL was campaigning from while ECZ is watching.
Ba ECZ please save us from this unfair political playing field by either suspending the campaign or expelling the erring party without fail.
That will prove to us that you are not dancing to the tune of your appointing authorities.
And that is why I feel the National Dialogue Forum (NDF) failed to address relevant issues to do with policing of elections. I expected those in attendance to propose that ECZ bosses should be ushered in office not by the presidency but parliament so that they operate independently.
ECZ we are watching you. And to you PF, know that you will soon be judged harshly by these acts sooner than later. God has surely heard our cries.
Evans Namakau

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