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The Independent Observer > News > ECZ sets date for commencement of voter registration to October

ECZ sets date for commencement of voter registration to October

The Electoral Commission of Zambia ECZ says that the 2021 voter registration will commence on 18th October 2020.

ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Kryticous Nshindano said the dates has been moved in view of the corona virus pandemic.

Mr Nshindano also said that the commission will come up with a new voter register for 2021 that will ensure all duplications are eliminated and names of the deceased are removed.

He said the period of voter registration has been reduced from 60 to 30 days.

Mr Nshindano has said that the commission has settled for Al Ghurair of Dubai to print the 2021 ballot papers.

He said that the decision was arrived at after the Public Procurement Authority heard and reviewed appeals from different bidders and saw it fit for the said firm to proceed with the printing.

Mr Nshindano has reiterated that the commission will not sponsor stakeholders to witness the printing of the 2021 ballot papers in the United Arab Emirates.

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