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ECZ advise stakeholders to desist from interfering in its internal operations

The Electrol Commissioner of Zambia has advised stakeholders to desist from interfering in the internal operations of the Commission.

ECZ Chief Electro Officer Kryticous Shindano said the Commission will not condone public profiling of its staff aimed at discrediting their credibility and that of the Commission.

Mr Shindano said the Commission has its own internal process of dealing with erring staff and will do so when one is found wanting.

He said that the Commission notes with concern the allegations levelled against it and specifically its staff with regards to the alleged manipulation of the Voter Registrant Exercise.

Mr Shindano said the Commission is an autonomous Electoral Management Body (EMB) established under Article 229 (1) of the Constitution and the Electoral Commission of Zambia Act.

“The Commission would further like to mention that Commission decisions are not made by individuals. The Commission categorically wish to dismiss the allegations relating to the deployment of registration kits as totally inaccurate and misleading. The deployment of kits was done by the Commission on the basis of population density and other relevant geographical considerations equitably,” he said.

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