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The Independent Observer > Business > EAZ calls for increased private and public sector productivity

EAZ calls for increased private and public sector productivity

The Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) has called upon both the Private and Public sectors to enhance productivity aimed at growing national income and wealth amid the Covid 19 induced economic slowdown and economic uncertainty inherit for countries about to go for General Elections.

EAZ Deputy National Secretary Rita Mkandawire said during the past year, the EAZ had observed that certain economic players had been adjusting prices not consumerate to the increase in the cost of importation or production of certain goods and services.

Ms Mkandawire said EAZ understands that profit is the main aim for businesses, it advised all market players not to take advantage of small and unsophisticated consumers of various goods and services.

She said EAZ would also like to call upon government to escalate implementation of it’s Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) to ensure that the Kwacha stabilises and the inflation growth rate is contained.

“As an Association, we would like to note the limited positive impact that high metals prices have had on foreign exchange reserves, the value of the Zambian Kwacha, business and job creation, especially on the Copperbelt Province. We advise relevant authorities to AUDIT the value chain to see why there is little trickle down to Zambian suppliers and the economy in general.

“As an Association, we would also like to point out one area of concern that has been frustrating the implementation of various government policies and projects – EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION. There is a need for government to ascertain the levels of employee motivation as it negatively affects productivity. Victimisation, discrimination, politics are to blame for low productivity levels, especially in government grant aided institutions. We call upon government to ACT accordingly to ensure that such vices discontinue. The government needs to achieve a turn around for all grant aided institutions to wean them of government dependency. This will reduce the cost of running the public service. A turn around of institutions will need participation from all citizens regardless of political affiliation, tribe or race,” she said.

Ms Mkandawire said patriotism, upholding of national values and principles by all citizens is now critical for Zambia’s economic development agenda than ever before.

She said before August 2021, EAZshall provide a platform (National Economic Summit) for various stakeholders to come and share their views as we promote Economic Diplomacy and an integrated approach towards National Economic Development.