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The Independent Observer > chipata girls > Eastern province recorded 24, 000 teen pregnancies in 2018

Eastern province recorded 24, 000 teen pregnancies in 2018

By Onishias Maamba in Chipata
Over 24, 000 teenage pregnancies were recorded across eastern in 2018.

Addressing a media briefing yesterday at his office, Provincial Permanent Secretary (PS) Chanda Kasolo said a total number of 24, 731 teen pregnancies were recorded in the region, with Chipata ranking first with over 5 thousand, followed by Lundazi with 4, 898 cases.

Mr Kasolo adds that Petauke had 3, 792, Katete 2, 675, Nyimba 1, 481, Chadiza 1, 419, Mambwe 1,198 while Vubwi recorded the lowest with 560 cases.

He indicated that the cases occurred in adolescents with ages from 12-20.

The PS said the statistics are shocking, saying they require vigorous efforts if the lives of young girls are to be safeguarded.

He also noted that the scourge is robbing the nation of many vibrant girls who have the potential to contribute immensely to the development of the nation.

And the PS has attributed the increase in the number of teen pregnancies to peer pressure, traditions, highly poverty levels among other.

He has since revealed that various interventions are being implemented to ensure that teens are equipped with information on the dangers of early indulgence into illicit sexual activities.

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