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Dr Kaunda was a unifier -Wina

Veteran Politician and former Cabinet Minister in Dr Kaunda’s government Sikota Wina has described the late First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda as a unifier and gift to the Zambian people.

Mr Wina said that Dr Kaunda was a unifier who managed to unity 72 tribes through One Zambia one Nation.

The former Local Government Minister in KK’s rule said that Dr Kaunda didn’t care about tribes but served everyone.

He said Dr Kaunda managed to bring humanity together because of the sincerity in him.

Mr Wina said that it was not easy to work with him and most people find it difficult because Dr Kaunda was a  straight forward person who did not tolerate nonsense.

“ Dr Kaunda did not care who you are, what he cared for is people to do what they are supposed to do,” he said

He has urged Zambians to conduct peaceful elections come August 12, in honor of the late President Dr Kenneth Kaunda.