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The Independent Observer > OS > DPP enter nolle in Ngalande’s case

DPP enter nolle in Ngalande’s case

The State has entered a nolle prosequi in a matter where a Lusaka business Executive, Mwangala Ngalande was charged with attempting to overthrow the administration of President Edgar Lungu.

Lusaka Chief Resident Magistrate, Lameck Mwale discharged Mr Ngalande after the nolle prosequi was entered by the Director of Public prosecutions.

In this matter Mr Ngalande is alleged to have between August 1, 2019 and December 1 2019 at Lusaka jointly and whilst acting together with Samson Njovu, prepared or endeavored to overthrow by unlawful means, the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

And according to Overt Act 1, Ngalande on the same dates allegedly conspired with Njovu to procure military equipment namely assault rife, pistols and rocker propelled grenades.

This was for the purpose of assassinating President Lungu and other senior Government officials namely, service chiefs, minister of defence , Davies Chama, Chief Justice, Irene Mambilima, Speaker of the National Assembly and Dr Patrick Matibini.

In overt two, it is alleged that on the same date Ngalande conspired with Mr Njobvu to source for international funding and actually obtained 1 point 6 Million United states Dollars to be utilized in the over throwing of the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

And when the matter came up today before Magistrate Mwale, the State said the matter was coming up for continued hearing of preliminary inquiry but the prosecution was in receipt of instructions from the DPP to discontinue the matter through a nolle prosequi.

Mr Mwale granted the State’s application.

Earlier, the defence lawyers had asked the court to constitute preliminary inquiry to establish whether or not there was sufficient evidence to warrant the accused person to be committed to the High Court to under go trial for treason.

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