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Don’t flout Covid-19 guidelines during campaign, political parties told

THE Ministry of Health has advised all political parties to observe health guidelines as they engage in campaigns.

Zambia goes to the polls on August 12, and as such health experts have urged all political players to keep to the set out health guidelines to wave off the possible third wave of the corona virus.

Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary in charge of Technical Services Kennedy Malama told Journalists in Lusaka yesterday during the routine COVID-19 update that adherence to the prescribed health protocols will help in the aversion of the possible third wave that is more imminent.

“I would like to urge all political layers and the nation at large to adhere to the Covid-19 guide lines as you resume your campaigns, this will help prevent the spread of Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

Dr Malama said disregarding the health protocols will prove to be very   catastrophic and that it will no doubt reverse the gains so far made.

The PS also said that observing the five golden rules is the hallmark of prevention.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia- ECZ recently announced the ban on the mass gatherings ahead of the general elections in keeping with the health guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health.