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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Don’t drop guard, Covid-19 still with us 

Don’t drop guard, Covid-19 still with us 

By Staff Writer

Zambians have been urged not to drop guard on following Covid 19 protocols because the global pandemic is still here.

German Cooperation, USAID and the Local Government Association of Zambia are asking Zambians to continue to adhere to Covid 19 set guidelines as a way to prevent further spread and mitigation of the disease.

They all cite negative effects caused by Covid 19 on the economy, human resource, general livelihood and family and friends’ relations as pointers to why citizens should fight the vice.

The three entities in the last 14 months had put together a Covid 19 Advisory Centre meant to help local authorities in Zambia to fight the global pandemic.

Local Government Association of Zambia Covid 19 Advisory Centre Coordinator Ernest Sumani, speaking at the close of the project said a lot has been achieved by the nerve-center.

Mr Sumani cites the production of Knowledge materials such as the Rapid Assessment, Impact of Covid – 19 on Local Authorities, Vaccine Acceptability and the development of District Emergency Plans and Standard Operating Procedures.

He also states that the provision of COVID – 19 Hygiene Material to more 20 Local Authorities and reaching more than 7 million Zambians the media countrywide.

GIZ Programme Coordinator in charge of Decentralization for Development, Dr Wolff-Christian Petters is happy that many people countrywide have been reached through the Centre.

He said though the project is coming to an end, it does not mean that Covid 19 is near end and urged people to continue taking precautions seriously.

And Acting Executive Director of the Local Government Association of Zambia, Ms Mpatanji Namumba, said the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Centre with Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry will help in organization and smooth running of information between the private sector and local authorities and the communities they serve.

Ms Namumba is also glad that the Association is working in line with some of the lessons drawn from the Centre in its day to day activities and also those to come.

Meanwhile, Outgoing Local Government Association of Zambia Executive Director, Maurice Mbolela, who is now Deputy Secretary General of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa has noted that the Advisory Centre has made great impact in the mitigation of Covid 19 spread in the country.