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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Don’t blame ECZ on cancellation of Lusaka Central, Mpulungu & Mandevu

Don’t blame ECZ on cancellation of Lusaka Central, Mpulungu & Mandevu

Rainbow Party says the Party is surprised and disappointed to see the UPND blaming the Electro Commissioner of Zambia (ECZ) for nomination cancellation in Lusaka central, Mpulungu and Mandevu constituencies.

Rainbow party National Spokesman Humphrey Kabwe said the cancellation was according to article 52 (6) which the UPND opposed during the bill 10 debates.

Mr Kabwe said the National Dialogue Forum delegates had proposed the removal of article 52 but the UPND stood up and opposed that move and today they want to cry the loudest over the article.

He said UPND went to every mountain lying to the people of Zambia that president Lungu doesn’t want to be challenged after his nominations.

“As a party, we know that the ghost of bill 10 is tormenting the UPND currently. But we want to appeal to them to swallow their pride and accept that they made a big mistake to oppose bill 10. Had they supported bill 10, they could not be blaming the ECZ and crying for this cancellations,” he said.

Mr Kabwe said  Rainbow party reiterate the earlier stance on the constitution that the current constitution is extremely bad and it needs agent attention once new MPs are voted in this year’s election.

He has appealed to the people of Zambia not to take UPND seriously in this election because they have demonstrated that they don’t mean well for this country.

“Our message to the UPND and other politicians is that we should always learn to be objective and truth in our desire to achieve our political ambitious so that we can build this country together,” he said.