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Don’t abuse learners, Teachers warned

The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) has called on the teaching fraternity to desist from abusing their learners as they execute their duties.

TSC Commissioner Stanley Mh’ango said teachers should always exhibit professionalism as the commission takes a zero tolerance to immortality.

Mr Mh’ango was in a speech read for him by TSC Commissioner Mutinta Mkandawire during the celebrations of World Teacher’s Day in Kitwe held under theme “the right to education means the right to a qualified teacher.”

“The introduction of the code of ethics for teachers will play an important role in improving service delivery and regulating discipline among teachers. The commission is hopeful that introduction of the code of ethics will help rekindle the trust that society had in the teaching service.

“In realising the importance of this year’s theme, the teaching service has revised the recruitment criteria by introducing selection of teachers in districts so as to create a fair playing field for all graduates in line with the devolution policy,” he said.

And Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu said the right to education is the cornerstone to national development and as such governments has continued to invest heavily in the education sector.

Mr Mpundu said this can be seen from the massive infrastructure development in the education sector.

He said in a quest to ensure that qualified practice in schools, government has made legal provisions to protect the teaching service from people masquerading as teachers.

The DC said pupils will only enjoy their right to education if they are taught by qualified teachers.

Speaking earlier SESTUZ General Secretary Sitibekiso Wamuyuwa called on the employers to ensure that they enhance the right to education by employing qualified teachers.

Mr  Wamuyuwa said teachers in the public sector are struggling be  paid allowances such as housing allowances, double class and leave travel benefits.

He said that many teachers work for years without going on leave resulting in fatigue and loss of interest in the profession.

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