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Don Mungulube is the right man for Lufwanyama-Village Heads

By Chola Mailoni
A set of 44 village heads of Chief Lumpuma says Don Mungulube is the right man that can transform Lufwanyama if elected as their parliamentarian.

The affirmation comes barely two weeks after 108 other village heads of Chieftaness Shimukunami threw their weight behind Mr Mungulube as Lufwanyama PF aspiring candidate.

Speaking during a meeting with Mr Mungulube, head of Mukulashi Section Ketison Hamuzilia said the commitment of Mr Mungulube is promising of a better leader.

“We want a representative that will transform Lufwanyama and we feel you (Don) is that man. This is the first time in Lufwanyama’s history that an aspiring candidate recognizes the importance of village heads. You engage us in order to come up with consolidated development road map.

“Don, you are the son of the soil and we want to show the country that we are ‘One Zambia, One Nation. We are happy with the works you are doing, it simply shows that you are the one we have been waiting for to develop Lufwanyama,” he said.

During the meeting, a number of issues were discussed but the topical one was tribalism and its ability to divide the nation.

The village heads denounced tribalism saying Zambia should thrive under ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ motto.

They offered gratitude to President Edgar Lungu for early delivery of farming inputs to the cooperatives.