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The Independent Observer > News > Disabled but viable, Mufulira woman refuses to beg

Disabled but viable, Mufulira woman refuses to beg

A differently able-bodied woman of Zimba compound in Mufulira says she will not let her condition turn her into a beggar for the rest of her life.

Joyce Kamanga said that after she saw that her life had become difficult, she started asking for money in town which did not help sustain her life.

She narrated that she has been collecting linen materials from an Indian shop on credit to make table cloths which she sells and later pays back to the shop owners.

“After I saw that the suffering was too much, I started going into town to ask for money, the little money I used to collect, I started doing something and later I started collecting the linen material from Indian shop and I started  make table cloths then  I pay back later,” she said.

Ms Kamanga 32, said that after making the table cloths, she would go to sell to Mikambo boarder post and sometimes at Kasumbalesa.

She said that not every customer pays cash; others get on credit and pay back later.

Ms Kamanga, a single mom with three kids said that though she has been living like that, her earning has not been able to sustain the family.

She is calling for well-wishers to assist her with capital and a sewing machine to improve her business so that she can send the children to school.

Ms Kamang also wants to be helped with a wheel chair which she said that it is not in good condition.