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Diplomats urged to market the country’s Rural Potential

 By Abigail Chaponda in London

North-Western Province Minister Hon. Nathaniel Mubukwanu has called on all Zambian Missions abroad to aggressively market Zambia’s investment opportunities in rural areas and further extended an invitation to UK investors to take advantage of the vast natural resources and enabling environment in Zambia and consider investing in the country.  

And the Minister has urged Zambian Diplomats serving in Missions abroad to be each other’s keeper as they diligently serve Zambia in various parts of the world.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Mr. Muyeba Chikonde, outgoing Zambia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Hon. Mubukwanu said Zambia was on firm ground and the country is being run based on the rule of law and different institutions of the country are functioning independently on the principles of separation of powers.

He said North-Western Province had various investment potential and housed most of Zambia’s largest mines in Kansanshi, Lumwana, Kalumbila adding that the Province has the largest producers of pineapples which investors should take advantage of.

“Zambia, Like the rest of the world has been affected by climate change and we are promoting the establishment of solar and wind energies. I want to echo words of His Excellency, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, when he addressed Parliament on the need to address climate change and its challenges. We need consented efforts to win this flight,” he said.

“This particular administration has embarked on a policy to open up the countryside for investments as evidenced by the Expos that we have had. For us as Government we believe that this is the way to go because we cannot only concentrate on investments in the capital city or along the line of rail. Zambia has abundant resources in every corner of the country,”

“We have spoken about potential for so long. It is high time that we turn this potential into economic benefit. We will let those that wish to be politicking to continue with the politics while we fulfil our moral and legal mandate that the people of Zambia entrusted on this Government, to ensure that we lift the standards of our people,” he said.

And the Minister said Zambians back home were expectant on the Diplomats serving abroad to bring investments and also consolidate Zambia’s position on the Global world. He said he was aware of the various investment projects that have come out the United Kindgdom including the construction of three District Hospitals and one hundred and nine mini-hospitals supported by the UK Export Finance. He added that it was incumbent upon everyone serving in Foreign Missions to work hard so that they can make a contribution that can give a fresh coat of paint to the legacy of Zambia, so that those that will come after them, will appreciate the work they did.

“We would like to commend you and your team for the good work you are doing and urge you to be each other’s keepers. Live in unity and work hard as you are serving your country. Your Excellency, I pray that God will continue to give your team and yourselves wisdom and strength to continue driving this national agenda,” he said.

Meanwhile, High Commissioner Chikonde thanked the Honourable Minister for fiding time to visit the Mission and share words of encouragement and urged that Provincial Expo outcomes be shared with the Zambian Missions abroad through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to follow up potential interests from both local and international investors.   He welcomed the extension of an invitation to UK investors and assured the Minister that the London Mission was alive to the mantra of “ doing more with with little” and that he had a good and hard working team that has been very innovative amidst a financially constrained environment.




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