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Digital transformation key in recovery process- Mutati

Science and Technology Minister Felix Mutati says his Ministry’s digital economic transformation agenda, is a key contributor in the country’s recovery process.

Mr Mutati said that Government is focused on economic recovery which is the citizen’s ultimate happiness.

Mr Mutati said the ministry is currently looking at reviving the digital infrastructure in the country, which is being operated in silos, denying the customers the ultimate happiness they deserve.

The Minister said there is need for integration, as well as finding ways to avoid working in silos, adding that integration lowers the cost of transaction.

Speaking shortly after officiating at the Digital Infrastructure Synergizing meeting in Lusaka, Mr Mutati stated that his ministry is confident that integration and synergies in the digital space and digital infrastructure, is a good starting point.

He said the implementation of this will result in the achievement of two things, the first been lowering of costs, and secondly, improving the quality of experience and service delivery that the customer desires in order to be happy.

Mr Mutati noted that the ultimate goal for the ministry is to make Zambia a Digital Hub where all the fiber is optimized, as well as reconnect the country to its eight surrounding neighbors.

He pointed out that such actions will create a new revenue, and earning stream for the economy, through integration and connectivity, using the country’s data centre to support the hub.