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The Independent Observer > News > Demolitions of houses at state lodge worries LM

Demolitions of houses at state lodge worries LM

By Staff Writer
The Leadership Movement (LM) is concerned with the Demolition of seven houses in Lusaka’s state Lodge area.

LM Media Director Tatila Tatila said instead of Government taking action on Politicians occupying illegal land in forest 27, they allow the Demolition of 7 Houses at state lodge. 

Mr Tatila said the plight of   a Poor Zambians should be addressed and Government should lead by Example in providing alternative places to relocate instead of using excavators.

He said the action by Government confirms that Politicians are heartless by only protecting Interest of themselves, the rich and the foreign investors.

“Demolition of Houses for our Poor people should be avoided. We will visit the affected families and provides support through our empowerment programme after doing the assessment,” he said.