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Decentralization on snail pace

The decentralization process which started in 2000 is moving at snail pace, Parliamentary Committee on Local Governance, Housing and Chiefs Affairs has observed.

This is a committee that is focusing on the decentralization process and the progress made towards making the policy tangible.

Committee Chairperson Newton Samakayi said Zambia hasn’t moved faster enough on the process thereby making the policy still a pipedream.

Chingola Town Clerk Mutakela Kabombo had made a presentation on the progress Chingola Municipal Council has made towards decentralization.

Mr Kabombo said Ministry of Agriculture and Health were already working in line with decentralization where there was proper collaboration.

Speaking after the presentation, Mr Samakayi said that he noted disparities between presentation of Chingola and Kitwe Councils.

Mr Samakayi who is Mwinilunga Member of Parliament (MP) said the challenges that the process had faced was the failure by some line ministries to devolve.

He cited budgetary allocation and other incentives associated with some ministries hence making officers of that ministry failing to devolve.

Mr Samakayi said decentralization is a necessary policy to enhance service delivery.

Speaking earlier, Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo when the committee had paid a courtesy call on him, he said Chingola Council was ready for decentralization.

Mr Tembo cited lack of viable revenue sources as the derailment to the process.

He said that if part of Road Tax, Fitness fees and other vehicle lincecing funds can be left in the district where each individual Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) operate from the councils can perform well.

The eight member Parliamentary committee comprised Mr Samakayi, Rufunsa MP Sheal Mulyata the vice chairperson of the same committee, Mufulira Central MP Evans Chibanda, Kanfinsa MP Elalio Musonda.

Others are Luamoa MP Chikote Makozo, Lufubu MP, Gift Chiyalika and Serenje MP Maxweell Kabanda.

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