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The Independent Observer > News > Cops raid Chingola Radio, clobbers Presenter

Cops raid Chingola Radio, clobbers Presenter

By Staff Writer
More than 62 job seekers in Chingola who were promised employment by Mox Minerals limited were yesterday arrested and charged with conduct likely to cause the breach of peace.

Copperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga has confirmed the arrest of the 62 to The Independent Observer.

Ms Katanga said the 62 were arrested and charged with conduct likely to cause the breach of peace.

She said the 62 are still detained at Chingola Central Police pending their choices of either paying admission of guilty of proceed to court.

The incident happened yesterday at around 11:00 when they went to Rise FM to have their grievances aired.

Few minutes later Zambia Police arrived in four police vehicles at 11:05hrs and immediately started brutarising job seekers at the radio station.

In the process Rise FM Radio presenter Derrick Chilufya was harassed and arrested on allegations that he was capturing the police brutality.

He was spotted by one of the police officers who thought he was taking a video as evidence for their brutality in the radio station premises.

Mr Chilufya was taken to Chingola Central Police and charged with misconduct.

Rise FM proprietor Lawrence Chipasha and his team made efforts to secure the release of Mr Chilufya on the same day but the Chingola police command refused even when there was no evidence of him taking a video.

Good news is that he has since been released after spending 24hrs in police custard and after admission of guilty.

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