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The Independent Observer > OS > Control traffic flow of trucks in Chingola Town Center

Control traffic flow of trucks in Chingola Town Center

Dear Editor,

I would like to appeal to Chingola Mayor His worship Titus Tembo to take into consideration on the flow of heavy duty trucks both local and international while in Chingola.

All heavy duty trucks coming from Kitwe should not enter Chingola town instead turning left at Kasope Miltary Barracks and Don Bosco institute and pass through Lulamba Township to KCM plant into Chililabombwe Road.

At the same time trucks coming out from Chililabombwe and Solwezi should turn to the right at the robots into the road in the plant and turn left in Lulamba upto Kasope Barracks precedes to Kitwe.

If this is done we shall have the following results; reduce the flow of trucks in the Central Business district. Note: only trucks destined for Chingola should use our roads.

The road infrastructure will last long and the beauty of Chingola town will be seen by all.

Reduce air pollution from the trucks.

Reduce congestion along Chingola-Chililabombwe road.

Involve other stakeholders to look into this issue and come up with something tangible.

S.B Kalaba Political Analyst