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The Independent Observer > News > Construction of Mwenye, Kantolomba clinics starts

Construction of Mwenye, Kantolomba clinics starts

By Staff Writer
Bwana Mukubwa Member of Parliament Jonas Chanda says the construction of Mwenye Clinic at Mwenye in Chichele area and Kantolomba Clinic in Kantolomba Township has started.

Speaking in an interview, Dr Chanda said the clinics which will gobble K800, 000 are being constructed using the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

He said the clinics will operate on a 24-hour basis, and will have a maternity wing, inpatient wards and outpatient services.

“Pregnant women will no longer have to trek to Kabushi and Twapia clinics at night. The distance between Mwenye and Kabushi isn’t much but there is no public transport at night. This is the first time residents of these two informal townships will have access to comprehensive health services since the 1960s. In the 2016 election campaigns I promised them these clinics.

“Both clinics are being constructed using the labour-based model whereby qualified builders and general workers from the community are constructing the projects themselves under supervision by Ndola City Council engineers. This model empowers locals financially and promotes community ownership of projects,” he said.

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