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Construction firm upsets Lusaka Council

Lusaka City Council (LCC) Legal is annoyed that MMK Construction Limited is subjecting its workers to unsafe working conditions.

The LLC Legal committee yesterday undertook a tour of the construction site of the upcoming Zambezi Mall along Zambezi Road in Roma Township.

The tour was undertaken for the committee to make an informed decision following objections to the development by some residents of the area.

The Mall is being developed by a Chinese firm called Shumeite Limited that has engaged MMK Construction Company to execute construction works for them.

The committee is chaired by Councillor Tarcisious Ndolelesha of Silwizya Ward 13 who is deputised by Councillor Longa Choboboka of Kabwata Ward Six.

Other members include Councillor Moses Bwalya of Kamwala Ward Five and Councillor Muhammad Mutete of Lilayi Ward Four.

However, when the committee arrived at the site they found workers working without personal protective attire (PPA) contrary to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Public Health Act.

The committee observed that although they were on a different mission, they could not let go the unsafe condition workers at the site were subjected to.

They (members) said that as elected civic leaders and members of the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) they have the mandate to protect Zambian workers from all forms of unfair treatment by both local and foreign contractors.

The site supervisor Oscar Mushipe was at pains to explain why the workers were subjected to such conditions forcing the committee to ask the owner of the company to come to Civic Centre for further engagement with the Director of Public Health.

The director of MMK Construction Limited whose identity was not established at the time of the tour will appear before the Director of Public Health on Monday next week.

This is according to a media statement made available to The Independent Observer by Acting Public Relations Manager George Sichimba.

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