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Concourt judgement should serve as a lesson to ECZ

By Staff Writer

University Of Zambia Historian Euston Chiputa says the Constitutional Court judgment on the eligibility of Bowman Lusambo and Joseph Malanji to recontest the Kabushi and Kwacha Parliamentary By-elections respectively should serve as a lesson to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to stick to laws as opposed to wanting to impress the appointing authority.

This week, the Constitutional Court ruled that Both Mr Lusambo and Mr Malanji are eligible to stand in the forth-coming Parliamentary By-elections.

And, Dr Chiputa said the UPND should have avoided embarrassing itself by allowing the 2 former members of parliament to file their nominations for the forthcoming by-elections.

He said the ruling party is doing well in improving people’s lives but notes that it is embarrassments such as losing an avoidable court case that can take away the gains made.

The State through the Attorney General has applied to be joined to the case in which Bowman Lusambo and Joseph Malanji have sued the Electoral Commission of Zambia.

In this case, the duo petitioned the ECZ and challenged its decision in which they were barred to file their nominations on the purported reason that they were not disqualified under Articles 72 (2) and 72(4).

Judges D.M. Bowman and Judge C. Lombe Phiri who are hearing the matter have adjourned to make a ruling on the application by the State.