The commercialised Samora Machel airport has received K32 million for upgrade and modernisation.
On April 11, 2015, President Edgar Lungu had commercialised (Samora Machel) Mbala Airport which had always served as a military airbase.
Northern Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga has told The Independent Observer that ChinaCamcee has been awarded a contract to construct four Kilometres of access road to the Samora Machel Airport in Mbala.
Mr Kamanga said Chinacamcee has already moved on site currently and are clearing campsite and mobilising equipment for commencement of works on Monday.
“I am grateful to the Government for having approved our proposal to do a variation on the existing Chinacamcee Contract on Mbala roads to include the four Kilometres of access road.
“I am convinced that the completion of the access road and last weekend’s launch of Commercial flights by Mahogany Air into Kasama and Mbala will certainly ease the travel challenges of our potential guests at the Centenary Commemoration of the end of the First World War and Northern Expo,” he said.
He said the contractor has assured him of completing much of the works by November 25, 2018.
Mr Kamanga said the other progress is that Sunshare Investments has commenced aluminium partitioning works for the Terminal building at Samora Machel Airport expected to be completed in 10 days.

“I am happy that though this is going to be a temporal Terminal before construction of a new Terminal Building, it is going to be modern and of good quality considering the reputation of the Company that has been selected to undertake the remodelling.
“We have also purchased two standby Generators and will be installing Security Scanners at the Airport which is expected to boost Tourist and Investor arrivals. A five Kilometres perimeter fence is currently under construction and will be completed by first week of November,” he said.
Government had released over K14 million for the remodelling of the Samora Machel Airport into a Commercial Airport.
He said the Northern Provincial would spend K500, 000 to equally rehabilitate the Kasama International Airport Terminal Building and other auxiliary facilities at the Airport which also served as a First World War Airforce Base.
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