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The Independent Observer > Headlines > CNBM Zambia Industrial Park: Green Building Materials, Sustainable Development

CNBM Zambia Industrial Park: Green Building Materials, Sustainable Development

Guided by CNBM’s core concept of “efficient use of resources to serve the construction”, CNBM Zambia Industrial Park practices a “green, intelligent, high-end and international” development philosophy, and aims to create an “upgraded version” of investment. In the pursuit of win-win cooperation, integration into Zambian culture, and environmental protection, the Park is building a green Silk Road, and fulfilling the social responsibility, thereby penning a new chapter in the friendship between China and Zambia.

In terms of energy-saving, emission reduction and consumption reduction, CNBM Zambia Industrial Park has accumulated many years of experience to fulfill its “carbon” responsibility in practice, and committed to achieve “carbon neutrality” in the production and operation of the enterprise. The park has been taking multiple measures to save energy and reduce consumption. The park not only innovate green cutting-edge technology and advocate a sustainable economy, but also explore the use of non-fossil energy such as solar energy and biomass, and strive to build a new building material energy plant. The park installed 285 sets of solar lights throughout the factory, saving 470kWh per day and saving 20,600 US dollars per year.

While advancing the construction and the overall development of the project, CNBM Zambia Industrial Park integrated the concept and planning of environmental protection into its own development planning, highlighting green building materials and green development to achieve sustainability.