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Clinical Officer drowns at lake Kariba

A Clinical Officer at Nabutezi clinic in Siavonga has alleged drowned in Lake Kariba.

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said that Boniface Mwansa 28 drowned on January 5, 2022 at around 06:00 near Jeremiah Island in Lake Kariba.

Mr Hamoonga said brief facts are that the Clinical Officer was also involved in a fish business and he was on a dugout canoe from Gwena the main land to Jeremiah island few metres away from the main land.

He said it is alleged that the canoe capsized due to some waves, the paddler managed to swim to the shore but the clinical officer failed to make it and drowned.

Mr Hamoonga said police managed to retrieve the body and it has been deposited at Siavonga District Hospital Mortuary awaiting postmortem